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The Bumblebee is my favourite insect. I had the pleasure of finding a Bumblebee on a leaf  of a shrub on a cold morning. The Bee seemed too cold to fly as I gently stroked it from the leaf onto the palm of my open hand. Gently I warmed it with my breath and slowly it began to move. After a few minutes of warming and walking around in my hand, it flew off. A delightful moment still fondly remembered after so many years. Their courting flight is nothing short of spectacular as the pair fly face to face in unison in a remarkable aerobatic display of precision flying. Up, down, back and forth, sideways and every direction with such precision as seemed impossible to accomplish. I felt honoured to have been permitted to observe it. 

There is the story of two Mathematicians calculating that the Bumblebee should not be able to fly due to its large body but very small wings - wings too small to let it fly! The Bumblebee it was decided, could not fly.  Good thing the Bumblebee doesn't know that!  That's why I love the Bumblebee - I heard the same through my childhood "You can't do that" or "you can't do this"  Good thing I didn't know. Did them anyway!

The Frame is  7" x 7" square stained Hardwood. Round opening is 5" dia. Artwork is covered with a Clear Domed glass lens.

Giving rise to an idea for a carving can be a daunting experience. Whether you’re an Author, a Painter or any other creative pursuit a project has to begin with an idea! How does an artist generate an idea for a carving subject? Almost all of my inspiration comes from the natural world and I am equally delighted by all creatures, large or small. A small Hummingbird is incredibly beautiful as is North America’s largest deer, the Moose. The fragility of a small Butterfly must convey that delicate fragility in the carving in addition to the startling beauty of its design. The power and size of the Moose must also be expressed. The final piece may take days or weeks to complete and once completed, the wood must be sealed with a durable finish and left to cure in preparation for casting a mold. The sealing and painting process must not lose or diminish any of the fine details of the hand-carved original. 

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